Medical Treatment Abroad

Although Aruba has a lot of different medical specialists, it still can happen that you become ill and Aruba can’t help you. Your specialist will then sent a petition to AZV for medical treatment abroad. Only with a prior AZV approval, the costs of medical care abroad will be covered. It is important to have your passport ready. If aplicable, a valid visa too.

Committee CGZ

The petition will be evaluated by an independent committee, called the “Commissie Grensoverschrijdende Zorg” (Committee for Crossborder HealthCare, better known as CGZ).

CGZ evaluates two points:

  • If the requested treatment is medically necessary.
  • If the treatment that is being asked for can not be offered (given) in Aruba

After evaluating the petition, CGZ gives advice to AZV. In the majority of the cases, AZV follows the advice.


The moment an approval is given from AZV, this means that AZV will arrange the appointment, the flight and stay for the insured and it’s social companion.

When your petition is approved, this means that AZV will arrange your appointment, travel and stay (for the patient as well as for the social companion). You will travel to the country AZV indicates. The waiting time for an appointment abroad depends on the amount of appointments the hospital has available.

AZV covers:

  • Travel ticket (return ticket) for the patient and one social companion. Take note that the social companion has a own contribution of 75 Arubian florins (as per september 1st of 2023) for the travel ticket.
  • Medical expenses (for example the admission to the hospital and the operation or test).
  • A contribution for the hotel in the form of a guarantee letter from AZV.
  • A (financial) contribution to help with the costs of food and water for the patient.

The travel to the hospital abroad depends on how urgent the petition is. The travel is by a commercial flight. In very urgent cases, a air ambulance can be arranged within 12 hours.

Daily Allowance

The financial contribution for Colombia / Curaçao/ USA:

$25 a day (as per september 1st of 2023)

The financial contribution for the Netherlands:

€ 30 a day (as per september 1st of 2023)

Request for appointment abroad

After AZV agrees to cover a treatment, a request for an appointment and treatment plan will be made at the hospital abroad. At the same time, AZV will ask you for your information such as a scan of your passport and that of your social companion as well. The social companion is a person of your own choice.

AZV covers for one (1) social companion only. This person is preferibly:

  • An adult.
  • With a valid AZV insurance (AZV insured).
  • Has a (residency) permit and valid visa (in case applicable).
  • That can accompany the insured the entire stay.
  • That is in a good health.
  • That speaks the language of the country fluently, or English fluently.

After AZV receives the confirmation of the appointment, AZV (again) contacts you by email. In the near future, AZV will use an app to inform you.

Travel insurance

It is highly recommended for you and your social companion to buy a travel insurance. Unexpected medical costs during your stay abroad are not covered by AZV.

Reception abroad

AZV sends patients to Colombia, the Netherlands, Curaçao and Colombia. The majority of the patients are send to Colombia to receive their medical treatment.


Colombia is a country recognized for its accredited hospitals in the top of Latin America. There is high quality in different specialties. The medical specialists working in these hospitals have prepared themselves very good in Colombia as well as in the United States of America and the European Union. AZV has contracts with six hospitals. When you travel to Colombia, you will get your treatment at one of these hospitals:

Fundación Valle del Lili at Cali (FVDL)
Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia at Bucaramanga (FCV)
Hospital Internacional de Colombia at Bucaramanga (HIC)
Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá at Bogotá (FSFB)
Hospital Universitario San Ignacio at Bogotá (HUSI)
Instituto LatinoAmericano De Neurología y Sistema Nervioso JEMARZ at Bogotá

Service department (Colombia)

All these hospitals have an International Customer Service Department or contact person to help the insured with any questions or uncertainties. The specialist in Colombia and AZV are in contact via a digital platform, developed especially for AZV, under the name of MRA (=Medical Referral Aruba). This is one of the ways for AZV to comply with the goal of centralizing and optimizing the information about the patient.


Curaçao also offers good medical care. At your arrival, the insured and his social companion can take a taxi to the hospital or place to stay. For example, the insured stays at Pietersz Guesthouse when getting treatment at the Curaçao Medical Center. Patient and or social companion stay in contact with AZV and when ready, AZV arranges the flight back.


AZV sends patients to Holland and works with Transcaring, the broker. Transcaring works with different hospitals. For any questions, you can contact Transcaring.
Phone number Transcaring is: +31 622 984319 of +31 646 887855

Address: Mauritslaan 24
3454 XS De Meern
[email protected]


When AZV approves for the USA, AZV takes care of arranging the travel (return flight) and appointment. AZV has a contract with Bascom Palmer in Miami. Clients who are send to Bascom Palmer stay at Residence Inn. During your stay in the USA, AZV maintains contact directly with the hospital.

Social companionship

When you have an approval for a social companion, AZV gives your social companion a letter declaring that he (or she) is your official social companion. This letter can be used (for example) for the employer of the social companion.

Change of social companion

Some patients have to stay for a long period abroad, for example for 6 weeks or more. It is understandable that not all social companions can stay the entire period. Change of social companion is possible, although AZV doesn’t pay the travel ticket for a second (or more) social companion. In case you’re planning to switch your social companion, please inform our Medical Care Abroad Department. In that case, AZV can take that into account.

Medical companion

When your specialist believes that you need a medical companion, your specialist will indicate this on the petition. In general, your specialist will arrange this too. If AZV approves, the costs of a medical companion will be covered by AZV.

Financial contribution for patient

The daily allowance is as mentioned above.

Take notice! In case you stay shorter than expected, you’ll have to return the rest of the financial contribution to AZV through a bank transfer.

When you have to stay longer

It can happen that you will have to stay longer abroad. In that case, the specialist will sent your medical information to the medical advisor of AZV. In the countries where AZV works with a broker, the medical information will be send to the broker.

If the specialist abroad recommends a treatment that can be given in Aruba, AZV will bring you back to Aruba to follow treatment here. If AZV approves to stay longer abroad, then the financial contribution (daily allowance) will be prolonged.

Return to Aruba – Commercial flight

The hospital abroad sends regularly information to AZV. The moment you’re informed that your treatment is ready, you will have to contact the International Customer Service Department, for them to arrange your return travel. Your hospital abroad will also inform your specialist in Aruba upon the end of your treatment. Most of the time the return flight is via a commercial airline.

The International Customer Service Department or broker always arranges the return flight after having received the medical information. The medical information includes the confirmation that you’re ready to go home.

When there is no broker, you or your social companion can contact the Medical Care Abroad Department of AZV. Take note that the return flight will be arranged after having received the medical information.

Return to Aruba – Air Ambulance

In exceptional cases, when the specialist abroad indicates that you can return to Aruba by air ambulance, AZV will evaluate this first. In case an approval is being given for return via air ambulance, this will mean that the patient will have to wait till the next urgent case in Aruba occurs and that an air ambulance is ordered. This can take about 1 week. The moment the Air Ambulance arrives in Aruba; the patient will be transported to the Doctor Horacio Oduber Hospital.


After your arrival in Aruba, it is recommended to contact your specialist and family physician to inform them about your treatment that you just had abroad.

Passing away abroad

It can occur that you pass away during your treatment abroad. This is a sad and difficult situation, where your social companion has to arrange the official documents for the preparation and transportation of your body to Aruba. This is a process that can take a few days. To speed things up, your family can choose -as soon as possible- a funeral home in Aruba.

In case of death, AZV asks the social companion to arrange things as fast as possible and to comply with all requirements so that the body of the deceased can be transported fast to Aruba.

  • AZV covers the costs of preparation and transportation of the deceased till the arrival at the airport in Aruba.
  • The costs of the local transportation and the funeral are at the expense of the family of the deceased.
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